We can help you convert these non-mortgage-ready leads into done deals. Requity Homes can help you in these scenarios:
- any clients whose mortgage application was denied
- a landlord who is looking to sell the property to the tenant
- Renters who are looking for good quality rental homes?
- Renters who are tired of moving?
In addition, here is the list of strategies that have worked for our referral partners!
- Include rent-to-own on your website to capture organic traffic
- Add rent-to-own lawn signs for your listings if they are in the market for a while
- Promote your for-sale listing under the rent category in the Facebook marketplace and Kijiji to reach out to more potential buyers
- Attend events to promote homeownership for those who don’t qualify for a mortgage
- Mailing campaigns targeted at renters in apartment buildings
- Profile rent-to-own in your social media
- Paid social media ads