How does Requity Homes compare to renting?

Requity Homes and renting have similar costs, but Requity Homes offers additional benefits:

  • Higher quality homes: We acquire for-sale homes, often of higher quality than typical rental properties. This is extremely valuable in cities with tight rental inventory.
  • Stability: Unlike traditional rentals, our program guarantees you three years of stability. You can focus on mortgage preparation without the risk of unexpected eviction.
  • Structure and commitment: Our program provides a structured savings plan, helping clients stay committed to their goal of homeownership.
  • Immediate occupancy: Clients can live in your desired home now rather than waiting until they've saved enough for a traditional down payment.
  • Potential savings: With housing prices increasing 10-15% per year in hot markets, we use 5% increase per year to determine the future buyback price, which could result in net savings on future home purchases.
  • Path to ownership: Instead of just paying rent, clients are on a clear path to owning your home.

Requity Homes Ownership Program Basics